屋久島でリバーカヤックを楽しむ( *´艸`)

【天候】 曇り  北東の風
【気温】 最高27℃、最低17℃
【場所】 宮之浦川


Miyanoura Kajakkpadling med gjester fra Norge

I’m not used to expressing my feelings in Norwegian, but I’m trying.
I hope you would understand what I’m going to write.


Miyanoura River was just peaceful and they had been impressed its natural beauty.
Elva var bare fredelig og de hadde blitt imponert over deres naturlige skjønnhet.


Chris had his birthday today !
Chris hadde bursdagen sin i dag !

Dive into the crystal clear water.
Dykk inn i det krystallklare vann.

Swim day in Yakushima, beautiful conditions.
Svøm dag i Yakushima,vakre forhold.


Morella Rubra (Japanese: ヤマモモ, “mountain peach”) found near the river.
Morella Rubra (Japansk: YAMAMOMO, fjellet fersken ) funnet nær elven.

We had a fantastic time picking our own strawberries.
Vi hadde en fantastisk tid å plukke våre egne jordbær.

The flesh is sweet and very tart.
Kjøttet er søt og svært terte.

I hope to see you again in the near future!
Jeg håper å se deg igjen i nær fremtid !



屋久島海日記 (屋久島ダイビングガイド マリンクラブ カイオロヒア ダイビングログ)

屋久島ダイビングガイド マリンクラブ カイオロヒア

〒891-4205 鹿児島県熊毛郡屋久島町宮之浦1940-6


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